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Wordless 2 from scratch

Alessandro Fazzi -

This how-to is about to get you up and running develop a WordPress theme the Wordless way. We will use the Wordless gem to achieve a fast and automatic bootstrap.


Tags: wordpress, wordless, wp-cli, node, webpack, sass, pug, coffeescript

Wordless 2. Re-embracing a modern flow.

Alessandro Fazzi -

Wordless is a wordpress plugin and a little framework written to develop Wordpress themes from scratch, with a number of bells and whistles in regard of development workflow...

Tags: wordpress, wordless, wp-cli, node, webpack, sass, pug, coffeescript

Wordmove 2.1.0 - Flirting with WP-CLI

Alessandro Fazzi -

Wordmove development goes further! We are slow, we always overdue milestones due date, but we are continuing our mission to keep this gem updated, functional, tested -...

Tags: wordpress, wordmove, wp-cli, php7

Ciao Jimmy

Matteo Piotto -

Venerdì mattina è mancato Federico Parodi, socio fondatore di weLaika, collega ma soprattutto amico.

Federico fin dalla fondazione della cooperativa ha fornito supporto...

Tags: jimmy2k

Rubyday 2016

Alessandra Cannata' -

The 6th RubyDay (the italian Ruby Conference) is gone. For the second time weLaika was one of the conference organizer with the help of Cantierecreativo and Nebulab. After...

Tags: ruby on rails, rubyday, community, rubyconf