Angular Attack

We(Laika) love rumbles. That is why we took part for the first time to the Angular Attack: the goal was to build the best Angular App within 48 hours.
We have built Like...
We(Laika) love rumbles. That is why we took part for the first time to the Angular Attack: the goal was to build the best Angular App within 48 hours.
We have built Like...
Lately some customers asked us to mantain Visual Composer in their WordPress projects and everytime we had to count the shortcomings of this solution.
That’s why I’ll...
Wordmove is growing. Not only in version number, but also in usage, solidity, documentation, contributions. And we’re very very happy to anonunce its second major version...
When we want to test (with RSpec) a custom validator inside a Ruby on Rails model often the main temptation is to (integration) test only those models where the validator...
You know we can’t miss a Rails Rumble, and this year we were into playing games and in a nostalgic mood, so we felt right to code a Space Invaders clone: it’s Rails Invaders