New Wordless helpers

We use WordPress and we love Wordless, our framework. Here is a summary of a new set of Wordless helpers, that you’ll find in the new version.
We use WordPress and we love Wordless, our framework. Here is a summary of a new set of Wordless helpers, that you’ll find in the new version.
When it comes to music, it’s always a matter of love. Some songs speak so perfectly about what we are and what we feel, that we are bound to them as if we were their authors...
Since weLaika was born, one of our best efforts was focused on using WordPress, one of the most flexible and widely-adapted Content Management Systems. One of the main...
In 2000 Joel Spolsky wrote the famous Joel Test. Even if twelve years passed — an age in the computer history — I think most of his questions are still incredibly relevant...
TLDR; Make your clients feel special and you will be better at doing your job: they deserve a chance to be understood. Ditch the assholes.
We are freelance web designers...