Wordmove 2.1.0 - Flirting with WP-CLI

Wordmove development goes further! We are slow, we always overdue milestones due date, but we are continuing our mission to keep this gem updated, functional, tested -...
Wordmove development goes further! We are slow, we always overdue milestones due date, but we are continuing our mission to keep this gem updated, functional, tested -...
Venerdì mattina è mancato Federico Parodi, socio fondatore di weLaika, collega ma soprattutto amico.
Federico fin dalla fondazione della cooperativa ha fornito supporto...
The 6th RubyDay (the italian Ruby Conference) is gone. For the second time weLaika was one of the conference organizer with the help of Cantierecreativo and Nebulab. After...
Enough has been written already about service objects in Rails. They help us to keep our controllers skinny, to separate business logic and to test more easily.
We can...
Recently I had to refactor an existing multipart form which allowed users to submit an image and a small description. The newer version must be submitted in AJAX and the...