Skuby is a gem, that is, a library, importable in any porject written in Ruby.
It is an interface to send SMSs through the Skebby service from within a Ruby application. The gem is the outcome of a job commissioned to us by a client of ours, and we decided to release this portion of the code, both to be able to re-use it in the future, and so that others may re-use it in their projects.
weLaika has built several utilities for WordPress developers during the many years of work done with this famous CMS. Their objective is to improve the developer worksflow, making it more pleasant, maintainable and efficient.
These utilities aim at promoting a modern and orderly approach to the development of WordPress themes, at making development quicker to the benefit of the clients, at automating the most repetitive tasks, in order to minimise errors and frustration.
All of this software, among ehich the popular WordMove and WordLess, are open-source and fully documented and you can find them and learn about them on the website we decided to dedicate to them: