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Your budget under control

weLaika, when confronted with a new project, estimates a indicative time range (minimum and maximum), allowing the customers to know the order of magnitude of the costs and to build a minimum viable prodct with a fraction of their budget.

Contact us for more information


We believe in mutual trust between ourselves and the customer: this starting point enables us to develop products with no technological or contractual bindings.

In the mutual trust relationship we always do our best to establish, the customer shall be free to leave the supplier, independently of the reasons, which could be diverse (from insatisfaction to sudden budget cuts or the creation of an internal team.)

Starting with this premise, we commit ourselves to testing the software we write, which remains property of the customer.

No offers

Writing an offer is a bet, often seasoned with an underlying lie: to precisely quantify the time we need to actualise an idea is to lie to the customer.

An offer vinculates the relationship with a customer with a set of fixed characteristics and prevents reacting with flexibility and promptness to both any issues arisen during development and to any changes in the requirements and therefore in the features.

Our advice to your service

The experience we gained along the years allows us to suggest the best solutions starting from your needs. We are used to searching for the minimal solution, that is, the one that fulfils the requirements in the simplest and most inexpensive way. Our method is sound and effective.